If you are contacted by the police and asked to attend a police station to be questioned, call our police station solicitors and lawyers so that we can assist you throughout the process. Call us Free-Phone on 0800 061 4996. If you have already been questioned without a solicitor but are required to go back to the police station at a later date, we can still be of help to you. For those arrested and taken to the police station unexpectedly, they will be offered the services of a duty solicitor when they arrive at the police station. You have the right to refuse a duty solicitor and use a solicitor or lawyer of your own choice. Once you are given the option, tell the officer in charge that you would like them to contact UK Criminal Solicitors for you. We always have specialist police station solicitors at hand.
We can also sometimes assist when asked to do so by friends or family of someone who has been unexpectedly arrested and taken to the police station.
It is also the case that legal representation at the police station is provided free of charge to the individual.As the entitlement to free advice and assistance at the police station is provided through our contracts with the Legal Aid Agency. This covers both attendance for interview but also other stages in the investigation process including assistance in identification procedures and advice on the administration of cautions.
The job of a solicitor and lawyer is to gather as much information about the investigation as is possible. This will allow for a discussion to take place in private between the lawyer and his or her client about what is being alleged and what the relevant legal issues may be. This assistance is as important as the formal interview as it will allow the client to gather their thoughts and not be taken by surprise when questioned. The solicitor or lawyer can then advise on the options available to the client. Sometimes the advice might be to make ‘no comment’ to the questions. Everyone has the right to say nothing when questioned by the police. However, this option has to be considered carefully as the law allows a court to take into consideration- the failure to answer questions and it may ultimately be used against the individual in any subsequent trial. These decisions involve consideration of complex legal and tactical issues that require the assistance of a properly experienced solicitor or lawyer.
Our UK criminal defence solicitors have extensive experience in representing individuals at police stations, with a large team of solicitors, lawyers exclusively dedicated to this work. It is also the case that the service is provided free of charge to the individual as the entitlement to free advice and assistance at the police station is provided through our contracts with the Legal Aid Agency. This covers both attendance for interview but also other stages in the investigation process including assistance in identification procedures and advice on the administration of cautions.